The Arena Climate Network is an open-access network by and for journalists, set up in 2020. It is for journalists who want to focus on all aspects of the climate crisis and who want to do in-depth, investigative work. Our network nurtures and serves a community devoted to exposing financial greed, corruption, and government malaise that fuel the climate crisis.
What we do:
- We organise Climate Arena, an annual conference bringing journalists, scientists and researchers together for a more effective climate reporting in Europe.
- We offer trainings and mentorship through our Climate Arena fellowship programme.
- We coordinate cross-border investigative journalism projects. Our latest brought 14 journalists together and looked into the state of groundwater in Europe. You can see our work here: Under the Surface: The hidden crisis of European groundwater.
Currently, our work is financially supported by the European Climate Foundation and the Laudes Foundation.
We have complete editorial independence on the themes and topics we cover in the conference or in our investigations.
You can read more about the Climate Network’s history here.
If you want to connect with the other climate network members, you can:
- Ask to join our Signal group by dropping an email to zeynep@journalismarena.eu. This is where you can get quick answers to your questions, get peer feedback, and find collaboration partners in other countries.
- Come to our conference. We will be in Bologna on 18-19 October this year.